Executive Homemaker Cocktail Klatch: Shiraz & Our Financial Future

Cocktail Klatch: Shiraz & Our Financial Future

Tonight's Cocktail: Shiraz

Tonight's Topic: Money. If it wasn’t needed, life would be perfect. Recently we received a pretty big blow to our already financial instability. I thought we were living on little before-now it’s even less! Cue anxiety attacks and an up in my meds milligrams.

I couldn’t handle it anymore. Working on recreating a new career(s) for myself, being a full time SAHM plus taking care of our household finances just pushed me straight to numbingly gorging myself with unsatisfying ice cream and sweets, sleeping a ghastly 8+hours PLUS needing a nap during the day! Something had to give. Me, being the giver that I am and knowing my husband’s concern for my “mental health” (he saw my butt widening by the hour with all those calories) I handed the household finances to him. Talk about a relief for me! Way to jump from a sinking ship-thank heavens this captain is also a lady, it doesn’t look so bad being the first on the life boat.

Dealing with finances has never been on my top 10 list of things I love. Oh, don’t get me wrong- pause as I pour another glass of the best Shiraz I’ve ever tasted- I love money. I love making it, saving it, and if able, spending it. I thrived at turning 2 companies in the red to black by major housecleaning, reducing all unnecessary expenses, and squeezing my grip on the checkbook for 5 years! I relished in the payoff of getting that congratulatory pat on the back from the accountant and Uncle Sam. I just don’t like looking at bills. They hamper my mojo, stunt my money making creativity, and just plain ole annoy me. How can I focus on making money when I’ve got these bills constantly in my face? They’re like fruit flies circling your face as you try to enjoy a peach or a dog staring at you while you eat a big ole slab of meat.

We are financially at our meekest. My motivation and adrenaline are rushing to turn things around. The hunter in me is ready to go in for the kill. My instinct is telling me “you know what to do and will succeed”. I just hope it doesn’t take another 5 years to do so!


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