Bianca's Blessings Gift Donations

Bianca's Blessings Gift Donations Drive

June my daughter Bianca turns 2! So does Bianca's Blessings Gift Donation Drive!

Every day of these two years has been a blessing with her in our lives. Everyday we tell her how much she is loved and what a blessing she truly is. We try everyday to teach her right from wrong, good from bad, and compassion and love for others. Before she was born we decided that her birthdays were going to be celebrations of her blessings through being a blessing! And yes, the parties do include lots of Shortycake sweet treats!

We chose to work with the Hinsdale Hospital Foundation to coordinate the giving. Bianca was born at Adventist Hinsdale Hospital (as was my brother and my tonsils were taken out there when I was five!) so it only felt right to bless the foundation that blessed us with her! Here's some of what was included in the Foundation's newsletter which can give you a better understanding of our goal:

As parents Giuseppe and I know what our goals and hopes are for Bianca as she matures. We also understand there will come a time when our goals and hopes are replaced with those she will create for herself . Our mission as her parents, decided before her birth, is to instill a heart of thanks and giving so that she excites in helping others and gives from an un-wanting heart throughout her life. We want her to know her greatest blessing is being a blessing. What better time to start this life lesson than with her First Birthday Celebration!
Her invitations read as follow:

Bianca donated well over 6 shopping bags of needed items to Adventist Paulson Pediatric Rehabilitation Center. Far exceeding their expectations of a donation as well!

Bianca is blessed by family and friends,

it seems that their giving just never ends.

To pass on the blessings and open her heart

we have a tradition we can't wait to start.

The gift of your presence is more than enough,

but there are children at Paulson finding it rough.

Bring a developmental gift, the list is below,

and Bianca will bring them, her blessings to sow.
This year the Bianca's Blessings Gift Donation Drive will be blessing Hinsdale Hospital's Pediatric Ward. If you are interested in donating, please leave a comment with your email address and as soon as we get the list of needed items I can forward them on to you.

We will be accepting donations from now thru July 3, 2010.

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