Couponing is going well. The issue is I don't buy most of the products there are coupons for. I'm a big advocate for store brands/generics and shop mostly at Aldi. Shoot, I'm the girl who while single ate yogurt for breakfast, salad for lunch, ramen for dinner, and a skinny cow ice cream sandwich for a nightly snack...for a year! Can someone say creature of habit? The lure of the products with coupons is tempting, but I just cannot justify buying something just because there's a good deal. Am I thinking wrong?
Our Farmers Market is still going on but we have noticed the prices are not very good and our favorite stand isn't there anymore. Luckily, our garden is starting to birth some good produce so we're making up for the FM's slack.
I have been making some killer (as in good, not lethal) frugal "gourmet" meals! My culinary prowess astonishes me! Our kitchen does a happy dance when I make a dinner $8.00 or less for the three of us! Oh wait, it's not dancing, that's just the 100 year old floors creaking. I'll still think its celebrating with me.
Today we are utilizing our zoo membership with our sack lunches in tow. Another Free day for Me!
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