Thrift Store Challenge

The Thrift Store Challenge
We have the Thrift Store Disease.  Huh? No, we didn't bring home some little critters attached to one of our purchases. It's when you go to the thrift stores in hunt mode. Hunting for treasure that some schmuck thought was trash and threw it into a plastic bag and dropped it off at the donation box. We patronize our favorite store at least once a week, though the merchandise turns so quick we should go everyday to win the trophies.

What kind of trophies you ask? Well, I found a REAL Coach wrist-let in perfect condition for $2.50! It's my daughter's newest addition to her ever increasing purse collection. Picture Frames & Baskets for organizing galore! Fabric for sewing...SCORE! I bought an in-new-condition vintage winter coat for $8.00-had I been there for Half Price Monday, it would have been $4.00!

The Challenge: This year, all purchases outside of food, toiletries, the hubs' work-boots and my running shoes we do from Thrift Stores!


  1. Great finds! Inspiring ;)
    BTW, I'm hosting a giveaway thought you might be interested in ;)

  2. My kids and I have been doing this for years. I say I blame it on my mom because she started me with garage sales, but nothing is better then new to me. I do however shop Target, but I shop the back aisles. And Lowes on certain months for discount home improvement. Make a list keep in in your purse and check off things you are looking for. I just got an outdoor light and a stairway hanging light retail total 180 for 20 bucks by waiting until November. Thrift and discontinued rocks!!!!

  3. My kids and I have been doing this for years. I say I blame it on my mom because she started me with garage sales, but nothing is better then new to me. I do however shop Target, but I shop the back aisles. And Lowes on certain months for discount home improvement. Make a list keep in in your purse and check off things you are looking for. I just got an outdoor light and a stairway hanging light retail total 180 for 20 bucks by waiting until November. Thrift and discontinued rocks!!!!


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